Normally I use this space to thank our supporters for their generosity and goodwill. I am as thankful now as I have ever been, so thank-you to all of you who pray for, promote, and give to PHC. But for this newsletter, I want to use this space to make it easier for you to support the community.
PHC has adopted new (for us) technology to make it easier for you to set up automatic monthly donations, either through your credit card or through direct transfer from a credit union account. Automatic donations offer several benefits to you, such as:
- Not having to remember to send the funds. Once you set up the automatic donations all the work will be done for you.
- Automatic donations make your monthly budget more predictable. Rather than having a large expense once or twice a year when you donate, you will have a regular, smaller expense each month.
- You know that your money will empower a cause that you support. By setting up an automatic donation, you ensure that PHC and the cause you believe in will have the resources to serve those in need.
PHC benefits from automic donations because our income becomes much more predictable. We usually receive over 50% of our donations in the last six weeks of our fiscal year. This makes it difficult to make wise spending decisions earlier in the year. We have to balance the urgency of a need against the odds that we will be able to cover our costs. Being able to predict the donations each month, and for the year in total, makes it easier for us to make wise spending decisions.
If you would like more information about the benefits of automatic donations, or how to set the donations up through our website, please contact me at marti@peacehousecommunity.org or 612-870-7263. You can also visit peacehousecommunity.org/donate to see all your options for making a donation.
Once again, thank-you for all the support you provide to the PHC community.