Welcome to 2024! On behalf of Peace House Community and its members, volunteers, and staff, we wish you a peaceful year. We also want to thank you for getting us through 2023. Well, we didn’t just get through it; in some ways we thrived.
Way back in the second half of 2022, PHC’s Board of Directors and I had to decide how much it would cost to operate PHC well. At the time we were paying our staff minimum wage, which is not a liveable wage, meaning many quality people simply couldn’t afford to work for us. We also had to decide how many staff we needed to welcome the increasing number of community members who were coming through the doors. We decided to raise the salaries and increase the staff, so that we are in a much better position now to achieve PHC’s mission and vision.
At the same time, we refocused on our volunteers, knowing that they are essential to making PHC the warm and inviting space that Sister Rose intended when she founded PHC. I am pleased to say that, not only are many of our long-term volunteers (those who have been coming here for decades) still here, but we have diversified our services with the skills of our new volunteers. Twice a month our community members enjoy live music during lunch. Several community members are honing their work carving skills on Tuesday mornings. Once a month a writers group meets in our library to develop their literary skills.
As always, I want to and need to thank you for making all of this possible.Your support provides everything from the packets of salt and pepper right up to our corporate insurance. You ensure that PHC is a safe, warm, and welcoming space year-round. Whether you give financial, pray for us, or repost our social media blurbs, you continue to make PHC a place to belong for everyone.