Peace House Community wants to thank everyone who has been able to donate funds, or has found other ways of supporting us, during the first eight months of this year. As this chart shows, even though our revenue through the first eight months of this year has doubled compared to last year, our expenses have also (almost) doubled. This means that your continued support is essential for meeting our community members’ needs, and that every dollar you give makes a huge difference to our community.
But charts can only tell part of the story. We are confident that, like last year, we will be able to balance our annual budget. Although the Ministries Foundation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, who have always been our largest donor, have let us know they won’t be able to fund us this year, we have been awarded a grant by the Minnesota Department of Human Services for the first time in our history. This, combined with our dedicated supporters, should see us through this year.
We want to say a special thank-you to the Sister of Saint Joseph for all their generosity to PHC’s community members through the years!