Meet Mikey

Mr. Ivanovich goes by several names. Sometimes he’s Mikey. Sometimes he’s Shorty. Sometimes he’s White Shorty, to separate him from the two Black Shortys who come to Peace House Community. (It doesn’t help, because we have two White Shortys who come to PHC.) But whatever you call him, he’s always ready to talk. Mikey’s been […]

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Embracing Failure

Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first. It’s worth doing poorly many times until you get good at it.-Paul Tracy (or maybe it was Zig Ziglar; I can’t remember which one said it.) Go on failing. Go on. Only next time, try to fail better. -Samuel Beckett As someone who grew up receiving

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We Need Each Other

Among my other duties, I help coordinate the adult education series at the church that I attend. This fall and winter we have had various congregation members speak about the intersection of their vocation and their faith. In other words, how does their faith affect their work, and how does their work help them see

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Conflict: The Doorway to Greatness

Dave and Ray Davies, the brothers who led the British band The Kinks since the 1960s, have a famously volatile relationship. Even though they managed to stay in a band together for over 40 years, they often despised each other and had explosive arguments. They addressed their relationship in the song “Hatred (A Duet)”, which

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Learn from the Ants

As a kid, I used to be fascinated by anthills. I constantly wondered how animals with such tiny brains and no obvious ways of communicating on a large scale could create such a complex society. It wasn’t until I grew old enough for deep theological reflection that I realized my view of the ants was

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Financial Update

Peace House Community wants to thank everyone who has been able to donate funds, or has found other ways of supporting us, during the first eight months of this year. As this chart shows, even though our revenue through the first eight months of this year has doubled compared to last year, our expenses have

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Meet Our New Volunteer Coordinator!

PHC is thrilled and very fortunate to announce the hiring of our new Volunteer Coordinator Jana Maltby. Jana comes to us with an extensive background in social work and social justice. She has worked with many organizations that serve the same populations as PHC, including St. Anne’s Place, Wayside Recovery Center, People Incorporated, and others.

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Listening First

I recently attended a webinar hosted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness. The discussion focused on how housing advocates can speak about Housing First programs to gain support for those programs from the general public. (For this article, you don’t need to worry about what Housing First is, because that isn’t the point of

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