
Peace House Community Turns 35!
Join us on October 17th at 7 PM for a virtual fundraiser and celebration.

Peace House Community grieves the inequalities and discrimination that have divided our community into separate and unequal groups. We stand beside, mourn with, and demand justice for any and all community members who have been systematically profiled, killed, and treated unjustly throughout history.
Coronavirus Update
Peace House Community (PHC) is open from Noon to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays to allow access to our bathrooms and hygiene supplies, and to serve coffee and cookies from our back door. We recognize that the combination of Coronavirus and the recent unrest in south Minneapolis have made it more important than ever that we maintain our relationships with our community members and provide hope and stability during these uncertain times.
PHC will continue to assess how we can be most effective in bringing hope and light to the community. Please join us in prayer for our neighborhood, our city and our country during these times.
You may contact us at contact@peacehousecommunity.org if you have specific questions. We will still check our email and phone messages during this time.
The Need
Adults without stable housing and sufficient income face more and greater stressors than the general population, including physical danger, stigmatization, loneliness, and chronic health conditions. Homelessness, poverty, and isolation create and reinforce a multitude of issues including stress, instability, and isolation.
The Work

Peace House Community provides a refuge from the chaos and dehumanization of life on the streets. When community members and volunteers enter the building, they know that they will connect with others through services and conversations that affirm our common humanity.
The Result
PHC allows individuals to fulfill their social, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. Members in our community know they are not alone in their situation and their worth is not determined by their economic situation.
Get Involved
Peace House Community welcome all compassionate individuals to join together to provide a place to belong to all who need it.